Glo zirko it is a company of aereal acrobats and vertical dancers ,it is created and directed by Gloria Peon Torre.

gloria peón torre
Director of the Company ,artist and profesional acrobat
“Gloria is Passionate about the air world, always innovating and looking for new languages in the world of aerobatics. Her interest in aerobatics led her to want to share this passion. She has more than twelve years of experience as an Air Arts teacher.
In the last years a new discipline draws its attention and part of its
dedication: The vertical dance. A new platform for the development of your creativity. Thus was born
Entre4tiempos, a vertical dance company that has a wide professional
cast of musicians and dancers. First vertical dance company of Euskal
Herria (Basque Country, with personality and music based on that identity”.
What do we offer?
Social proyects
Her long experience results as a eternal traveler and her training as Social worker makes her to get involved in every trip she takes in a local proyect so she had been working in diferrents social proyects around the world in Colombia, Mozambique, Brasil, Chile, Senegal.
Gloria Peón doing social projects during her trips. Brazil, Colombia, Mozambique… They are some of the countries in which it has been.